Do you realize that students applying to 10-12 schools could be writing upwards of 30 essays?
Of course, students are not starting from scratch each time they tackle a new school’s supplements. There is some, “cut and paste,” but each question requires strategic thinking, school specificity, and some ingenuity.
So how do students best showcase all the essential components of their personal stories across all the essays? First, students need to identify the key qualities they wish to highlight to admissions officers. As we’ve discussed previously in The Personal Statement blog, this essay provides students the opportunity to introduce themselves to admissions and provide insight into who they are as a person. Second, supplements provide students with the opportunity to communicate why they are interested in a specific school, and provide additional information about themselves. While there can be crossover between essays, the examples cannot be repetitive. Finally, we recommend organizing all essay questions in a simple Essay Organization Chart and taking the time, up front, to identify similar essay themes and ideas.
Once your students have completed their initial drafts, we strongly encourage them to share their writing with a trusted set of eyes (high school counselor, English teacher, or family member). Remind your student that any criticism is a gift and should be considered. If something strikes a reader as awkward, it is likely that it might strike an admissions officer the same way.
The College Curators are available to provide additional support and guidance throughout the essay development process, even if your student already is working with someone. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Happy Writing!